Kamis, April 18, 2013

Cycle of Life


The way i look of life gonna be change. There are no afraid / worries anymore. Sometime people feel sad but in the other time people feel happy, it just something that we called "Cycle of Life". In that cycle we must believe about destiny. When people feel something bad in their heart we have to say maybe The God will  give the other best destiny and when people feel something happy, we have to we MUST encourage the other.

In the "cycle" there is point to start and finish. Evenly people know about the starting and finishing point, but just apart of people who know when he got the climax of cycle. The climax usually take in bad side of our life. There are many example for that. Because of that thing we know where we are. The climax always decided people into an optimistic and pessimist. Optimistic character will be increase gradually as long as they do like use to be but for pessimist there are no ways more to see life after life. 

in this chapter, i would like to give suggestion especially for me. That no body can decided because of climax of  life however sometimes we feel like climax is our destiny (the last way). We do our life. We always hope the best for us because God know know about the best that we need. And no body one can live without anybody, get the best learning from everything which you meet everyday even its like a new habit or just routine activity. Know i really get much.much and better lesson from my younger brother because he can counter me as well as when i gave him suggestion before.

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