Senin, Agustus 17, 2015

Story Telling of Emotional Behavior

Now a days, a lot of people have not feeling what advantage or disadvantage for economic condition in their country, many perception and argumentation for that. The conservationist said that " they have to stay calm and keep positive". In fact it really hard to would be achieved, why? Because they cant control the emotion.

When i was child, my teacher whose replacing my teacher for mathematics said that " i really esmosi". I dont really understand what does it mean. Then my classmate just give him a little smile, my teacher ask us "What are laughing at?" "Do you understand  what i mean, Right?" all of my friend  said "we don't know, Sir". Till now that memory is stay in my mind. I have to being like that when i was angry or when i was make a mistake or even when i people around me not accept me as their friend.

The answer are always about psychological health. We have control our emotion by doing 4 step.

1. Self esteem (knowing what are we doing in the our community, is it any mistake that we did, is it our friend make us happy?)

2. Emotion bleeding (don't assume that we are in always in a good or true condition, control our emostion, and start to think the alternative, in this step don't make any illusion or negative thinking about us)

3. Rumination (is the compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions (wikipedia)

4. Battle for negative thinking ( it has build a good psychological health)

Thank you Allah Akbar, don't make forget to our self even one second on our life to remember , remind you.